Tom Bass 2025

NEWTom Bass 2025 Meet Director’s Notes and  LiveLox Flyer (New, Testing this event!) 

Join Houston Orienteering Club for a Score-O at Tom Bass park on Oct. 25, 2025! The “Score O” format is an Orienteering competition where all competitors mass start and have one hour to navigate to as many controls as they can, with 1, 2, and 3 point values depending on difficulty and distance from start. Bring a watch to manage your time for this competition, as every minute past the 1 hour time limit is 1 point is deducted from their total score. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards will be awarded to different competitive classes.


Register as soon as possible, especially if competing and need rental e-punches as there is limited availability. Payment & Waiver Deadline: Wednesday 22 OCTOBER 2025, 8 PM

8:00 AM  Check-In Opens
9:15 AM  Beginners Clinic
9:45 AM  Check-In Closes
10:00 AM  Mass Start for Score O

12:00 PM Awards



Type – Score O
Scoring – Individual & Teams
Course Time Limit – 1 hour
Punching – Electronic Punch (SportIdent)
Map – 1:7,500, 2.5m contour interval, 2018
Terrain – An urban park primarily open fields
Location – Tom Bass Regional Park Pavilion I, Houston, TX