Wear Bug Spray for Mosquitos  –  The mosquitos are terrible!!  We recommend using bug spray to protect yourself. 

Wear Long Pants and Long Sleeves  –  The routes to many points are through high grass and scratchy vegetation.  Wear long pants and long sleeves to protect yourself.

Bring Drinking Water and Hydrate

Location  –  Challenger Seven Memorial Park, Pavilion 3 (southeast end of the main parking lot)

Check In and Check Out at Meet Headquarters  –  All competitors must check in at Registration at Meet Headquarters before the competition, even if you have your own e-punch.  All competitors must download their e-punches at Meet Headquarters after finishing.  Please check out at Meet Headquarters before leaving the park.

E-Punch Download  –  E-Punch Download will be located at the Meet Headquarters.  All competitors must download immediately after completing their courses.

Score O Format  –  This event is a Score O.  Everyone starts together at 10 AM.  Visit as many control locations as you can find in any order and return within 1 hour.  A total of 28 controls are placed in the park.  The maximum point total is 45. 

Start and Finish Are at the Meet Headquarters

1-Hour Time Limit  –  All competitors must return no later than 1 hour after starting.  One point will be subtracted for every minute you are late.